Upgrade Your ICT/STEM Program With AVM

Student model by Sopharamy

We Make Adopting AVM Easier Than You Think


The courses we offer are currently all based on our 44-week, full-credit, two term course, developed for use by the Ministry of Education in Cambodia. But we’ve broken that into easy, 8 week modules that start with basics, but go on to focus on multiple different thematic aspects of game tech,

Easy To Schedule

Adopting a scheduled course during regular class times is basically impossible without a year’s preparation. So we offer our classes as afterschool and weekend sessions. You can start any time, including mid-term; We work with you to simplify the whole process

Teacher Supplied

The complex software we teach isn’t something that most teachers will know the workings of. So we’ve structured our in-class, in-person classes with a supplied, trained instructor, eliminating a significant cost, and a significant training overhead.

Computers Supplied

When you bring AVM to your school, we bring the workstations. One per pair of students, we’ll use your monitors (one per student), mouse and keyboard. But the guts of it is our responsibility. That’s less to maintain, manage and finance, making adoption easier.

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Full Cost Recovery

Our 8 week modules are priced to make a standard 8-class module for 12 students inexpensive enough to fall under discretionary spending limits for most schools. But we also expect full cost recovery for most schools; with volume scheduling, cost recovery will exceed your actual cost.

Extras Supplied

Our more advanced lessons involve technologies that allow students to get a better feel for modern game tech. This includes 3D scanners for objects and faces; data gloves to capture hand motion; and video based AI motion capture. All supplied, as needed.