An Elegant, Effective New Approach to Tech Learning.

Different in Four Key Ways


Critical viewing and thinking is at the core of our collaborative, discovery-based curriculum. With over 300+ challenges built in, each requires a fresh analytical process, proceeding through hypothesis and testing. All of this is driven by students who share their results with each other.

Social Learning

Students interact constantly: engaged, exploring and excited to learn. With interaction, information sharing, collaboration and interdependence key soft skills, our method reflects the strategies for ongoing acquisition of knowledge that drives the tech industries globally.

Bespoke LMS

To deliver our video-driven, challenge-focused curriculum, we developed a unique sofware system called AVM.. Allowing self-pacing, lateral exploration, and project-driven skills acquisition and application in a unified, modular package we adapt to each individual school’s needs.

Effective Learning Environment

25+ years of bootcamp development have taught us how simple innovations supercharge student engagement and interdependence. Shared workstations, paired learning, and line of sight to the other members of their teams, break the screen locked isolation of tech ed..

The AVM Newsletter

We’ve got a newsletter that gets into more details on how we organize our service, background, etc

There’s an article on how the classroom is organized for our classes, which you can read here. The Newsletter itself has its home page here. We recommend you subscribe, for updates on our courses, both current and planned.